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Proof of Concept in Rwanda

In September 2024, we launchd our Proof of Concept study in Rwanda. From September to February, we research, produce, evaluate, and broadcast our first six-episode radio drama. Each 15-minute episode is designed to entertain while promoting positive behavior change.​​



About the radio drama

The drama is mostly focused on entertaining storylines, with a subplot centered around a transitional character who gradually stops using domestic abuse. The most promising mechanism of change for this character, such as considering more gender-equal norms or another significant event that motivates him to stop, is identified with formative research.​


Four step design 


This step includes in-depth interviews and focus groups, designed to inform both the storylines and the most effective mechanism of change for the transitional character in the radio drama.


A team of scriptwriters develops different storylines, which are reviewed by experts and government officials. Three mechanisms of change are then A/B  tested with focus groups to identify the most promising storyline.


The 6 episodes are played to an audience of dozens of couples. To assess changes in beliefs and attitudes, pre-interviews and post-interviews are conducted. Additionally, focus groups help evaluate the quality of the scripts and storylines.


If no concerns arise from the evaluation (risk of backlash, for example), the content will be aired to on a community radio with >100 000 listeners, and a mini-survey with listeners is conducted with listeners to rate the radio drama.

Our partner RWAMREC

For this study, we partner with RWAMREC, a Rwandan NGO with over 18 years of experience promoting gender equality and working on violence against women prevention. RWAMREC's work on violence prevention has been acclaimed by top academic studies and replicated in several countries.

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